For the past week I have been trying to work on my writing, just not here. The novel I am writing is slow going, mostly because I am researching my science facts. Science Fiction is a genre I love to read, except when the science is flawed or inaccurate. Recently, I read a series of books about people who were chosen to start a colony on another planet as Earth was succumbing to ecological meltdown. The author described
the new planet as being 100,000 miles from Earth with a sun not our own. Our moon is 238,900 miles from us, which places the new planet less than halfway to the Moon! Aggravating that this author couldn't even be bothered to do the simple research to have a more plausible distance. I could understand if this were written by a kid to whom 100,000 miles seems like a huge distance, however this was written by an adult.
Fact check people! If you are publishing on-line then you obviously have internet access, so Google the heck out of the thing!

I am researching solar flares and mass coronal ejections, specifically the affects and effects of resulting EMP's on technology and biological creatures. I found it fascinating that there is a proven link between high solar flare activity and an increase of suicide in women. It is also know that electromagnetic fields can cause mutation with long enough exposure at high enough concentrations. Oddly enough, I haven't been very successful in finding further research on how EMP activity can alter biologic systems. This aspect of my book will be pushing the envelope of current information. At least I will have a foundation in actual science.

seen again for 18 years. I hope I live that long and the next time the weather cooperates!!

Liquid water on Mars! Awesome! Someday, maybe my theory that the human race started on Mars will have a chance to be verified. Mars as Atlantis or even the Garden of Eden anyone? Maybe after I finish "Pulse" I will task myself with a Mars mystery.
Have a great day and keep reaching for the stars. Maybe you will be living on Mars some day!
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